

It was very strange. I was flying.

Practically it wasn’t possible, but I could.

The feeling was spectacular. My arms were stretching out and my legs were more and more far away from the ground.

In the beginning it was difficult but a few minutes after I handled very well.

I could make turns in the air and float anywhere.

After practicing I decide to go to different places and enjoy this magic power.

I went to the clouds. They were wet and had different colors. They felt like cotton.

I flew for all the sky. The sun touched my face and the birds flying around me.

Then I saw a pirate boat. I wasn’t flying, I was swimming.

I didn’t have to breathe, it was unnecessary.

I could see the entire ocean.

But when I wanted to continue my trip, I woke up. It was a dream.

1 comentario:

  1. soñar, soñar...el 25 de junio, a las 18:30, en DOMUS, CAMPANA Y ARIAS, A DOS CUADRAS DE LA ESTACION CASTELAR, damos otro convite poético. esta vez con música en vivo...acercate y leé un poema. te esperamos. saludos cordiales. se abona entrada con derecho a un trago. invitá gente. gracias por tu afecto y amistad.
