

Taxi Driver

Una pequeña y simple gráfica para una gran película.


Would and Use to

Practicando el idioma ingles. En este caso Language reference.

When I was ten my father would take me to the school very early in the morning. Sometimes the sky was dark because the sun hadn’t appeared yet, and when I looked from the window of the car I could see the moon, white and shiny like a diamond.

I always would come back by bus, sometimes with my brother and sometimes with my friends. And it was very funny because we felt free to do anything we wanted.

I remember I would like “Chiquititas”, a TV programme, and stopped to play and do whatever thing I did in this moment.

I used to go to the Zoo every year with my family. We passed all day right there, seeing the animals and giving them food.

But there is a memory I would never forget. The first time I read “Harry Potter”. I was eleven years old like the character (It was one of things why adore the book). My best friend gave me for my birthday like a present. I didn’t remember why but I started to read it and I loved it.

All the magic was fantastic, hogwarts was incredible and also all the things that happened to Harry. I couldn’t stop to read and when I had finished I bought the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh book. Of course I had to wait to be published.



Ahora si. El trabajo aplicado y mejorado. Espero que les guste. :)


Hola, ¿Hay Alguien ahí?

Cuidado con el lobo!!! si no esta feliz yo no me atrevería a entrar.
Estas imágenes son los dos lados de un cartel para la puerta de nuestra habitación y la idea es mostrar de que humor estamos para evitar que nos molesten.


Las Horas

El hombre advierte la presencia fugitiva de las horas. El que supo aprender a discernirlas en el espacio las verá avanzar discretamente vestidas, coronadas de frutos, de flores, o de rocío: primero las diáfanas y apenas visibles del alba: luego sus hermanas del mediodía, ardientes, crueles, resplandecientes, casi implacables, y finalmente las últimas del crepúsculo, lentas y suntuosas, que retarda, en su marcha hacia la noche que se aproxima, la sombra purpúrea de los árboles.

“La inteligencia de las flores”.


El sonido

Increíble. Los sonidos son maravillosos.
La estética visual es impactante. Una idea simple con gran impacto.
Gracias a Nicolás Zarlenga quien me hizo ver este vídeo.